Protea Points Rewards

It has always been our heart to serve local and global charities through the gift and love of beauty and fashion, and now we are thrilled to be able to offer a rewards program that benefits YOU, our amazing customers who make all of this possible!

Enter your email in the Protea Points loyalty program to:

  • earn points with every purchase,

  • redeem your points for extra perks when you shop, and

  • support local and global communities with your purchase AND get rewarded with loyalty points - every time!


The Protea

Epiphany’s logo flower, the Protea, is a symbol of the strength and resilience of the character God develops over time in each of us. Like the Protea we have an unusual and unique beauty that makes us stand apart in the bouquet of life. We can withstand extremes in the seasons of life, droughts of the heart and soul, emotional and psychological storms, physical hardships, and yet, with each trial, rooted in our Creator, we come back with more strength, maturity, and resolve with deeper roots and blooming truer to our own identity than before.

Awakening to Life & Style

When we awaken to life in Christ, we are fully alive and awake in every way: fully able to give and receive love, fully released to express our beauty inside and out, and fully able to wear the beauty of Christ authentically.

He Decides I’m Beautiful

At Epiphany we believe the way we dress is an outward expression of our inner beauty. We love helping women discover a unique style that is effortless and reflects a confidence in who God created us to be without being a distraction from all God has called us to do!